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 President's Corner

Published in the July 2003 Ragged Irregular

I hope you are enjoying the summer as much as we are here in the Great Northwest. We had our heat wave- two record setting days over 90O . Now it’s back to 75 to 55 range; even on the two record setters, the evening temperatures dropped back to the 50’s. I can feel your sympathy for us.

Your Board “got together” in a Conference Call on 10 May ’03. We had not received enough information from the two reunion planners to choose between them or to select a hotel.

We did decide to schedule the 2004 Reunion to Washington DC for Thursday the 30th of September through Sunday 3 October 2004 with the banquet on Sunday which both of them claim will get us reduced rates. We will probably have the Membership meeting on Saturday morning along with the Ladies’ Tour. We have bids coming in from the Arlington Alexandria area with rates in the $95 area and probably free parking. All of the bids will be from facilities that assure of us a sizable Hospitality Room in which we ca run our own open bar as we did in Tacoma. We will try to assure nearby subway facilities and/or free shuttle and, of course, reduced meal charges. After we sign the contract we will turn the Reunion management over to W.W. Hill. Hope we have a great turnout. A you noticed if you keep up on such things, Washington DC, had another unpleasant Memorial Day weekend this year which is why the Board opted for September and less crowds.

The Board discussed the problems of the Tower to move as rapidly as possible to restore normal working hours. Patience is not an easy virtue for some of us older folks, but everybody is doing his or her best. We have expressed our sincere appreciation for their efforts.

As for the Prop Memorial, Paul Limm has kept us advised through his contacts including David Crow, and we received some fine photos form Vince Hemmings, both of the “Friends of the 91st.” They arranged for stonemason work this spring, raised a new flag and painted Gen. Wray’s bench. The Base refurbished the flagpole and all appears to be in good shape. We owe Jake Howland a big thank you for his splendid note to the British people printed elsewhere in The Ragged Irregular.

The PX situation has been cleared as Mary Goldberg’s health improved. All items were to have been shipped by June 11th and Mary assures us that he will provide a 7-10 day turnaround on any future orders. If you have an order that still has not been filled by the time you read this, please contact Mary immediately. If there are any problems with checks that are outdated, we hope you will be considerate in working with Ace to straighten out any accounting; Ace does not need any more of a load!

The Board decided to proceed with publishing an updated Directory so if you have any address changes, please let Ace know ASAP. Probably the new Directory will be prepared in time for Reunion 2004 sometime after the new year. As fir the Memorial Maintenance Fund it is deposited and growing. And the 91st BGMA is comfortably solvent and looking forward to the rest of 2003 with faith, hope and charity. God Bless, Ed